1. What is something people don’t know about you?
I still have all the Lego Space (Now referred to as “Classic Space”) that I had as a kid.
2. Why did you join the SES?
It was part of my childhood, my father (and grandfather) being involved, it was something that I saw as a way to “give” to my community, rather than just “take”; it seems a bit clichéd–but I saw the satisfaction he got from the volunteer work he did. I met some amazing Role Models along the way, some of whom remain good friends to this day.
3. What do you enjoy most about being the unit controller in Lilydale?
To make an impact in people’s lives, whether that be the people we help in a time of crisis, but mostly the members who join our unit for their own reasons.. We have an amazing team at Lilydale SES, from young to old, across genders and demographics. It’s an absolute honour to lead such a dedicated and skilled group.
4. What have been some of your most memorable moments with the SES? Why?
So many over the years, The North East 1993 floods was an adventure for younger me. Being awarded a Life Membership of VicSES in 2016 was an absolute honour. This year’s 9 June Storm was the single largest response I’ve been involved in. It was probably the scariest, being on the hill during the height of the winds, but also one where I got to respond with my son Sam – and see him getting the same reward from his contribution to the community.
5. What do you love most about the Yarra Ranges?
Having grown up here, it’s hard to imagine living anywhere else!! The diversity of the environment; along the Yarra up to Warburton as well as the hills, make it such a varied place. It just never gets old.
6. What event, past, present, or future, would you like to witness?
I’d love to have witnessed a Saturn V Rocket launch from Cape Canaveral. The Apollo program is probably the single greatest feat of human exploration to this date.
7. Which four guests, dead or alive, would you invite to a dinner party?
Neil Armstrong (or any of the Apollo Astronauts), Vin Scully (Dodgers Radio announcer for 60 years), Sir Jack Brabham, Mark Hamill
8. Who do you admire the most?
Apollo 13 Commander, Capt Jim Lovell. There is one dude who handled the pressure.
9. What are some of your hobbies?
Photography and Baseball – having played for 40 years!
10. What is your favourite book and/or film?
Book – Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy
Film/s – Star Wars (at the risk of a controversial statement – ep 1-6 more so than 7-9)