Plenty of reading choice for Mooroolbark Library staff

Mooroolbark Library's Customer Service Officer Karen Dethomas with Rachael Johns Outback Secrets and Macca the Alpaca by Matt Cosgrove and Team Leader Angus Cooke with Grass Roots Adventures of a Suburban Lawyer by Alan Dudley Alpass. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS. 291711_02


What was your favourite book as a child?

I really loved the Zac Power series growing up. It would have been one of the first chapter book series I began reading, and couldn’t stop once I picked up my first copy. It still is a series I recommend to young, hesitant readers.

What’s the first book you ever remember reading?

The first book I remember reading is Grandpa & Thomas by Pamela Allen. A simple rhyming picture book, that was easily relatable to myself and my own grandparents.

Where do you like to read the most?

I enjoy and find it easiest to read when on Holiday, which means that reading has recently been a bit slower than usual. Preferably on a cruise ship, in a nice shady daybed on the ship decks.

Do you agree that you should never judge a book by its cover?

I am definitely one to judge a book by its cover, but it probably shouldn’t be the only thing we judge a book by initially. I have noticed a trend in book covers becoming more like works of art at times, probably in an attempt to lure a reader in. Bright, colourful covers have a tendency to find their way onto the most popular of books.


How many books have you read this year and how many more are on your list to complete by the end of 2022?

I’ve read 17 books so far and there are at least 100 on my to read list

Has there been a book that was hard to get through, but worth it in the end?

Ground Zero by Alan Gratz a powerful, compelling, unforgettable take on our recent history, I’d love to see this book part of the school curriculum.

What book had the biggest impact on your life and why?

Hairy Maclary from Donaldsons Diary by Lynley Dodd coming from an Early Childhood Educator background it was one of the first books I ever read to groups of children at story times, now over 30 years later I still regularly read it.

What is one book that everyone should read and why?

Jelana Dokic’s Unbreakable. As a tennis player she was phenomenal force but through no fault of her own endured much in her young life, her brutally honest book highlights her strength mentally, emotionally and physically, incredibly inspiring young woman.