By Roland Smith
On a cool to mild March evening as the sun began to sink slowly in the West the Singles Final for both men and women got under way at 6pm on Thursday 9 March.
In an interview prior to the game two of the contestants said that while they had played and won in previous years they were still nervous.
Vicki got the jump on Kas and Nicko over Josh at the very start. After half an hour Vicki led 14 shots to 3, and Nicko led 14 – 5.
Although there was some banter between the very good mates Josh and Nicko the spectators could still sense the tension in the game.
After one hour Vickie led strongly 19 – 7 on the women’s rink, but on the men’s rink Josh had staged a come back being only 2 shots down at 15 – 13.
At the end of the game around 8.20pm Vicki won 25 – 10, and Josh ended triumphant at 25 – 18.