Two teams hold top ladder position for Lilydale Croquet

Murray Howlett about to run a hoop. (Supplied)

By John Thomson

Last Monday 30 September, Lilydale’s Division 1 team travelled to Kew.

The Lilydale players this week were Murray Howlett and Craig McCracken. The two Lilydale boys would have to be on top of their game as one of their Kew opponents was in the Victorian State Team and the other was in the State training squad.

As always in the level play competition the first game was the doubles. Kew won the toss and hit off first. This game was close all the way through with both teams going hoop for hoop. After 12 hoops had been played the scores were 6 hoops a piece, so the 13th and deciding hoop had to be played. Lilydale were first to the hoop and set up well and after the other balls had been played, Lilydale were able to run the hoop to win the game. Lilydale 7 hoops to Kew 6 hoops.

Murray played in the first singles game. The Kew player started well and was using all her State training to get the better of Murray and win the game 7 hoops to Lilydale 3 hoops.

In the next singles Craig was playing. Again, the Kew player got off to a good start and was able to build up a good break and hold it to the end. Kew 7 games, Lilydale 3 games.

At the lunch break the scores were Kew 2 games 20 hoops to Lilydale 1 game 13 hoops. With two games to go Lilydale needed to win both of these games.

Craig played in the first game after lunch. Craig was certainly taking the fight right up to his more credentialed opponent in this game. Unfortunately, the Kew player was able to get a slender break and take the game 7 hoops to Lilydale 5 hoops.

Murray played in the last game. Even though Lilydale had now lost the day, Murray was determined not to let this one slip. Murray was able to win a couple of crucial hoops and go on to win 7 hoops to Kew 4 hoops.

The final scores Kew 3 games 31 hoops to Lilydale 2 games 25 hoops.

In Division 2 this week, Lilydale hosted the Kew division two team.

Lilydale’s team comprised Kerri McCracken, Mick Crawley and Alan Jones.

Mick and Kerri teamed up for Lilydale in the doubles. Mick and Kerri won the first four hoops before Kew got on the board. Lilydale kept on top of their opponents and did not give them another look in. Lilydale 7 hoops to Kew 1 hoop.

Mick played in the first singles. Mick was in devastating form and played a perfect game not giving his opponent a look in, to take the win 7 hoops to Kew 0 hoops.

Kerri was up next for Lilydale. Kerri was also in good form in this game. Kerri won the first four hoops before her opponent won a hoop, from there on Kerri controlled the game going on to win 7 hoops to Kew 2 hoops.

At the break it was Lilydale 3 games 21 hoops to Kew 0 games 3 hoops.

With two games to play Lilydale had wrapped up the day, but could they make it a clean sweep.

Kerri played in the first singles after the break. Again Kerri was in control for most of the game Kerri had set up an early lead and was able to hold this to the end of the game winning 7 hoops to Kew 3 hoops.

In the last game Alan was playing in his only game for the day. This game was almost a carbon copy of the previous game with Alan able to set up an early lead and then control the game from then on. Lilydale 7 hoops to Kew 3 hoops.

The final scores were Lilydale 5 games 35 hoops to Kew 0 games 9 hoops.

This was an emphatic win by the Lilydale team keeping them on top of the ladder.

On Thursday 3 October, Lilydale hosted the Ringwood handicap team.

Lilydale’s handicap team this week consisted of Murray Howlett, Kerri McCracken and Mick Crawley.

Mick was playing in the first singles game. Because of Mick’s handicap he was starting two hoops behind his opponent. The Ringwood player was on fire early and had the first four hoops on the board which put Mick six hoops behind at this stage. Mick then started to fight back but it was all a bridge too far, with Ringwood winning 7 hoops to Lilydale 3 hoops.

The next game was a doubles, seeing Murray and Kerri paired up for Lilydale. Murray and Kerri were starting two hoops behind their Ringwood opponents. Lilydale got off to a great start and had made up the two hoop deficit in the first two hoops, from then on it was a level play game and the quality of the Lilydale pair was the difference going on to win 7 hoops to Ringwood 1 hoop.

Kerri played in the next singles game. Both players were on the same handicap so neither player had an advantage. Kerri was using her home court knowledge to her advantage and went on to have a comfortable win 7 hoops to Ringwood 3 hoops.

Murray and Mick paired up for the next doubles. Lilydale were starting one hoop behind while the Ringwood team started with a two hoop advantage. This was going to be a big task for the Lilydale team. Lilydale made up their one hoop disadvantage on the first hoop and then proceeded to peg back Ringwoods two hoop advantage, which they did to go on and win 7 hoops to Ringwoods 4 hoops.

At lunch the scores were Lilydale 3 games 24 hoops to Ringwood 1 game 15 hoops. With two games to play Ringwood needed to turn their luck around if they wanted to win the day.

Mick played in the first singles after lunch. Mick was starting with a two hoop deficit in this game. Mick got off to a great start and had made up that two hoop deficit in the first two hoops, and then it was back to a level play game, which Mick took full control of and went on to win 7 hoops to Ringwood 1 hoop.

The last game was a doubles and Murray and Kerri teamed up again for this game. Lilydale again was starting with a two hoop disadvantage, again Lilydale had made up for that disadvantage in the first two hoops and then proceeded to control the game and go on to win 7 hoops to Ringwood 2 hoops.

The final scores were Lilydale 5 games 38 hoops to Ringwood 1 game 18 hoops.

This win keeps Lilydale on top of the Handicap Ladder.