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CARTOON: Attack of the cockatoo

Journalist Tyler Wright explored the concerns of Hills residents last week about the destruction being caused by pesky cockatoos. Star Mail cartoonist Danny Zemp...

CARTOON: The effects of overpriced lettuce

People across the Yarra Ranges are feeling the effects of higher prices for essentials like lettuce, while wild deer are not helping the situation,...

Alan Bennett’s story comes to life on stage

Based on a real incident in Bennett’s life when an old crabby, eccentric, homeless woman, Miss Mary Shepperd was given permission by Bennett to...

CARTOON: Traffic jam

While the rail bridge in Lilydale promised improved traffic conditions and less congestion, locals are still puzzled by the seemingly unchanged traffic jam. Cartoonist...

BOOK REVIEW: A worthy read about a female entrepreneur

Delve into the world of a female entrepreneur with a book review of 'A Spanner in the Works' by Loretta Smith. A well-written biography...

Mount Evelyn’s local road names and their history

Mount Evelyn acquired a stock of local names from the early years of European settlement. People referred to a location by the selector’s name,...

CARTOON: Welcoming winter

The first week of June certainly let us know winter was here, with freezing temperatures, snow and unstoppable rain.

CARTOON: The election is over

This week's cartoon reflected on the Federal election, a result some may have been happy with, others not so much.

Safe exercise is the best medicine for osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a major cause of chronic pain, disability and activity limitation in modern Australia. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,...

Well played production at 1812

The 1812 Theatre’s May production was the American comedy Till Beth Do Us Part. A comedy touching on fast and enjoyed by the opening night...

Why Voices of Casey fell short

In the aftermath of the federal election, one of the biggest stories was the elevation of community-driven independent candidates to Parliament. 12 independent candidates were...

The history of Lillydale’s boy bushranger

Community and family historians lead interesting lives as they can readily escape the drama of the world around them and through their research travel...
