By Renee Wood
Yarra Ranges Council is seeking $7.5 million of funding from the State Government’s Growing Suburbs Funds for seven projects across the region, including two for Lilydale, one for Mount Evelyn and one for Kilsyth.
Councillors unanimously voted to endorse the funding applications with Cr Tim Heenan moving the motion.
“In a time and place where we’re looking at constraints at our own budget and certainly rate payer’s is important, it’s great to access this particular grant stream and I sincerely hope that we are successful and we’ve done really well in past years,” Cr Heenan said.
A request of $150,000 for the Lilydale Investment Precinct Project is one of the recommended projects.
The $300,000 project is a planning exercise to prepare for future community services and facilities in Lilydale.
The project follows on from town planning and revitalisation projects such as the Lilydale Revitalisation Project, Lilydale Place Plan and Lilydale Structure Plan and will develop the design framework to achieve the open space precinct in the heart of Lilydale.
The project will investigate built form, public realm, transport, hydrology and biodiversity, to guide future community-oriented developments that will service Lilydale and surrounding urban areas as well as the Yarra Valley and Upper Yarra regional catchments.
The second funding request was for the Morrison Reserve Youth Activation in Mount Evelyn as council seeks $2.6 million for the $3.4 million project.
It would see an upgrade to the existing playground improving amenity and accessibility by creating a new playspace and installing toilets.
The proposed Morrison Reserve Youth Space will include the construction of a multi-track bike park with options that cater for a diverse age range and skill development level.
Complementing this will be community infrastructure that takes in the magnificent views and allows for opportunities for spectators, social interaction and family picnics.
Queens Road Playspace in Lilydale could also be revitalised if a funding request of $100,000 is successful.
A funding pitch towards the Pinks Reserve upgrades will also be submitted for $1.25 million to assist in the construction of a Pinks Reserve Pavilion, Basketball Court and Emergency Relief Centre.
These projects form part of the Pinks Reserve State Government $10 million election commitment. The focus of this application is to seek funding for the aspects of the project that make its provision as one of Council’s Emergency Relief Centres more accessible for the community, including: enhanced insulation (acknowledging that when the facility is used for emergencies it is often very hot or very cold), additions and upgrades to amenities, including bringing up to DDA compliance and modern standards, disability access upgrades and car parking modifications.
Council has already committed over $3m to the project which will be used as matching funding.