Thanking early childhood educators on their day

Japara's occasional care staff Tahnya Nolet, Lexie Taylor, Beck White, Lisa Sheridan, Andrea Comport and Jenny Cooper celebrated Early Childhood Educators' Day by receiving notes from families. Pictures: SUPPLIED.

By Mikayla van Loon

Early childhood educators become such an integral part of a young child’s social and educational development, so much so, there is a day dedicated to these teachers every September.

For Early Childhood Educators’ Day on Wednesday 7 September Japara Neighbourhood House’s occasional care staff received affirmations of support, love and encouragement from students, parents and the board to say thank you for their dedication.

Educator Beck White said it was an idea the staff had to help include parents and students, while passing on a supportive or constructive message to the team.

“We decided to get the parents and the kids involved. We thought we might get some good stories of what they come home and tell their parents or what the parents think of our service and how it runs,” she said

“And if they had any constructive criticism or just some lovely notes that we could look at because we thought it might be a good opportunity for the educators to get something nice.”

While thousands of childcare centres across Australia decided to go on strike for Educators Day to encourage wage increases and better working conditions, Japara wanted to look at the positives.

“It has been very challenging during Covid, we sometimes only had four children to look after,” Beck said.

“That’s definitely changed in the last few months. Everyone’s quite happy to get their children back in childcare and our numbers have grown dramatically which is great, it’s been a lot busier, a lot more fun.”

Japara board chair Mark Doubleday said what these incredible team members do, “it’s not childminding, it’s educating”.

“It’s about looking at the whole of the child, their social, they’re learning, their engagement with adults, engagement with other children and learning to explore the world and who they are,” he said.

“So there is a whole program and thinking that goes on behind the scenes that educators do.”

Mark said although the response from parents could have been critical given staff shortages and the pressures being placed on the team, it was all overwhelmingly positive.

“They’re great workers that do a great job and it’s a recognition. We’re not critical of the action that was taken today but [our staff’s] approach was, we want to stay open, we want to give our families a chance to say what they think and to their credit, every one of those messages was positive.”

Parent of two-year-old Flynn, Vickie White, couldn’t speak more highly of the educators who look after her son.

“He’s so excited to always go, he’s so excited to always go and tell them new things, and he’ll come home and he’s just learned so much,” she said.

“We’re extremely grateful, they do so much for us as well just in terms of just what they offer.”

Having been going to Japara for nearly a year now, Vickie said Flynn first started just one day a week but enjoyed it so much he now attends all three days.

The centre, which Japara leases from Yarra Ranges Council, Vickie said has an incredible outdoor area for the children to use when the days are nice, something she is so appreciative of.

Some of Flynn’s favourite activities to do at daycare are playing in the sandpit and painting or drawing to release that creativity.

“There’s so much they do for the kids and I just love that they’re always combined with other ages too,” Vickie said.

“So rather than just being in a set age group or classroom it’s so great they’re bonding with other kids of different ages.”

Hearing and reading all the kind words from parents and the children themselves, Beck said, was lovely.

“Some of the messages are really beautiful and just about bring a tear to our eye when we hear some of what the parents say and how their kids are responding to us,” she said.

While steps towards better acknowledgement of what early childhood educators do, Beck said to have a day where it is recognised means so much.

“It is very important to get some recognition for what we do. Childcare, it is definitely on the lower paid scale and probably not quite as recognised as teachers are which everyone in that industry has done such a fantastic job.

“It’s great to be a part of the educators industry but to get that recognition today, it’s been lovely.”