The power of words

New Star Mail book reviewer Christine Yunn-Yu Sun. 228125

Avid reader Christine Yunn-Yu Sun is a vigorous supporter of Eastern Regional Libraries.

Christine, who is the Star Mail’s new book reviewer, is a passionate supporter of local libraries and newspapers and a firm believer in the power of words and how it can help individuals and communities make the world a better place.

Arriving from Taiwan to pursue her PhD at Monash University in 1997, Christine has been a proud member of the Yarra Ranges community since 2001.

A bilingual writer, translator, reader, reviewer and occasional journalist, Christine has published digital and print books in English and Chinese.

She reads widely, and her essays, book reviews and creative writings have appeared in a variety of Australian publications.

Christine, her husband Steve and their two teenagers are all avid readers both digitally and on paper.

Her first review is of Laura Jean McKay’s novel, The Animals in That Country which won this year’s Victorian Premier’s Literary Award for Fiction.

Christine’s reviews of contemporary Australian fiction will appear in the Star Mail periodically.