Community encouraged to provide feedback on York Rd

Proposed upgrades by MRPV will begin at the Swansea Road and York Road roundabout and finish at the Hereford/Monbulk Road intersection. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS. 269079_19

Mount Evelyn’s main thoroughfare, York Road, is getting prepared for upgrades and the community is being asked to share their thoughts.

With major upgrades proposed by the Department of Transport and Major Road Projects Victoria (MRPV), those who use the road are encouraged to provide feedback on what could be better.

MPRV said the York Road upgrades aim to “improve safety and create more reliable journeys for road users”, identifying five main criteria for consideration:

– how you currently use York Road, between Swansea and Monbulk roads

– your thoughts on how you access your property

– journey times and safety when using York Road

– potential improvements to the road that we should consider

– what’s important in the local area

One area raised on social media was the lack of bike lanes for active transport users. This feedback period allows for comment and request for improved biking conditions.

“Initial planning and development work is underway at York Road to inform potential solutions for improving safety and travel times for motorists, and cyclists in the area,” a MRPV spokesperson said.

“Technical investigations will look at future improvements to York Road, and as part of this work we will consider options that encourage active communities in a safe environment.”

A community feedback session was scheduled for 7 April, with another coming up on 19 April at the IGA in Mount Evelyn.

To submit feedback on York Road, visit