By Mikayla van Loon
For the first time in Mount Evelyn history the CFA will be launching a junior brigade to offer an alternative after school activity that doesn’t involve sport.
Junior Leader Stacey Mallett said the idea was brought to the senior brigade by one member’s daughter, Luci, who was interested in joining the leadership ranks of a junior arm.
From there it snowballed into a legitimate option for the brigade, not only to help young people but provide another pathway for senior members.
“I was really intrigued and I think it’s really good to help with team building as well as individual confidence and leadership skills,” Stacey said.
Having been a member of the CFA herself for 18 years and her husband Matt for 20 years, Stacey said for her son Blair, “he’s always had an interest in it” and now he has the opportunity to try something new while socialising with likeminded people.
As a junior brigade they never have any interaction with live fire, although they do learn the basics of using a hose and fire extinguisher.
Stacey said participants also learn the behind the scenes and operational side of the CFA, including map reading and radio communication.
For captain and junior leader Rick Ventrella, the personal development that comes from being a junior brigade member carries through to other important life skills.
“When you look at where this could go, it’s about the child and it’s always going to be about the child. It’s about developing their skills, their personal skills, but also their confidence,” he said.
Rick said the long term goal is to see some of the children progress and become senior members within the brigade.
“It’s about linking the juniors and seniors together because we are one brigade and that’s how we’re going to stay,” he said.
Even if only a handful decided to stay on, Stacey said at least these young people will have some extended knowledge of fire risks and safety.
“We’re looking at creating fire safe citizens. So even if only three of them join our brigade, we know the rest of them are leaving our program aware of their surroundings, aware of fire safety in the home and in the bush,” she said.
“Even if we’ve reached 15 kids, that’s 15 kids who are also talking to their friends so there’s that domino effect.
“Hopefully we do encourage the future of our brigade because we always need new members, but we’re also providing something for the community to increase safety.”
By getting their children involved, Stacey said even some parents have been inquiring about the opportunities for adults.
“A lot of people don’t realise it volunteering for the CFA, it’s not just getting on the trucks and fighting fires.
“We do have the other side of it. We don’t tend to have very many in our auxiliary at the moment because a lot of people don’t realise we have that other option.”
The entire cost of being involved in the junior brigade is covered by the CFA, making it a financially viable option for families.
“Particularly in the financial state the world is in at the moment, it will not cost the families anything. There’s not much out there at the moment that can engage the kids that doesn’t cost them anything,” Stacey said.
“It’s not going to cost them for uniforms. It’s not going to cost them for the outings we do. It’s one less stress on the family and the kids can still experience something.”
With the first session set to get underway on Thursday 27 July, 10 young people aged between 11 and 15 have applied, with more expected to jump on board as they reach the age requirement.
Mt Evelyn Junior Brigade will be held fortnightly on the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 6.30pm to 8pm.
“This is an exciting time for the brigade. I think it’s an unknown time but that’s what partly makes it exciting,” Rick said.
“I can see this program working really well for the township of Mount Evelyn because it’s predominantly football, netball, scouts and things like that, this is just another connection with the children, Mount Evelyn that we can offer as as a brigade and the CFA can offer to the wider community to get them involved and also through that they learn about the area.”
Applications can be submitted by going to www.cfa.vic.gov.au/volunteers-careers/volunteer-with-cfa/volunteer-with-cfa and selecting the junior brigade. Inquiries can be sent to juniors@mtevelyncfa.org.au