Edinburgh College student wins State’s top honours

Noah Lee accepting the Premier's VCE Award for Excellence after scoring 50/50 in Religion and Society. Picture: SUPPLIED.

Edinburgh College student Noah Lee received top honours on 27 July for their outstanding VCE results in 2022.

Noah received a Premier’s VCE Award for excellence in Religion and Society, making them one of the top Religion and Society students in the state.

“The incredible support of my teacher, Mrs Sawicki, was decisive in being able to make it as far as I did,” Noah, who is currently completing Year 12 at Edinburgh College, said.

Receiving a perfect score of 50/50 in the subject, Noah’s achievement was one of “great joy and pride” for Bible Department head Heli Sawicki.

“It has been my pleasure to teach Noah over the last few years, going through everything from the Aspects of Religion to the challenges that religions face threatening their identity, authenticity and integrity,” she said.

“Noah’s proficiency to analyse and evaluate deeply and his ability to see the more extensive web of the interconnectedness that religion has with society has been a great foundation to build on.

“With practice and more practice mixed with a thirst to understand and learn not only for the VCE exam but for learning’s sake are some of the ingredients that have enabled Noah to achieve this honour of being in the top 0.3 per cent of Victorian students.”

Edinburgh College principal Tim Borgas said the entire school community was proud of Noah.

“We at Edinburgh College are so very proud of all of our remarkable students. Noah has demonstrated to us all the benefits of consistent hard work and the willingness to seek support and advice from his dedicated teachers throughout his schooling.”

300 of Victoria’s brightest students were recognised by this year’s Premier’s VCE Awards.

To view the full Honour Roll and to read more about the Premier’s VCE Awards, visit: https://www.vic.gov.au/premiers-vce-awards