Informative session for helping anxious children

An online session will help parents support anxious children. Picture: ON FILE

Outer Eastern Councils are partnering up to host an online information session on how to help support anxious children.

If you would like to gain a greater understanding of anxiety and learn some helpful strategies to support your child, join the free online information session on Tuesday, 13 February.

Learning to cope with anxiety, stress and fear is a normal part of a child’s development, however it can be deeply challenging not only children, but also for parents an the family unit as a whole.

This session will cover:

Understanding the role of anxiety and normal childhood development

The signs and symptoms in your children

Types of anxiety disorders

What’s helpful and not helpful

Methods and strategies to support your children

Where to go for more information/help

Bookings are required as this session will not be recorded. To book, please visit

A link to access the session will be provided to you once you have registered.