Scouting in Montrose reaches new heights

It was all hands on deck from parents and leaders to see the Cubs and Joeys reach new heights.

Montrose Scout Group has grown exponentially in its near 12 months since rebooting the club after a previous merger with Mount Evelyn.

On the 24 June, a record-breaking 27 Joeys and Cubs from Montrose embarked on an exhilarating rock-climbing adventure, filling the evening with excitement, achievement, and a spirit of camaraderie.

Guided and belayed by dedicated parents and Leaders, these young adventurers experienced the thrill of vertical exploration in a safe and supportive environment.

The rock-climbing event, held at Urban Climb in Blackburn, saw smiles abound as the young climbers tackled challenging routes. Each participant had the opportunity to test their limits, celebrate personal milestones, and discover the joys of climbing.

The atmosphere was electric with enthusiasm as the Joeys and Cubs, ranging in age from five to 12, overcame initial nerves to achieve their climbing goals.

This event marks a significant milestone for the Montrose Joeys and Cubs, a new group that started in August 2023. Since its inception, the group has been reaching new heights, both in their rock-climbing activities and in their growth as a community. Having a record 27 members attending the last week of Term 2 is a testament to the group’s success and the vibrant, adventurous spirit that defines it.

“It was incredible to see the determination and resilience of our Cubs and Joeys. They faced their fears head-on and came out smashed their own goals. This experience has undoubtedly sparked a love for adventure in many of them,” one of the Cub parents said.

With such a successful and inspiring event, the Montrose Cubs and Joeys are sure to have many more adventures in store. The rock climbing experience has not only introduced many young members to the joys of climbing but has also reinforced the values of perseverance, teamwork, and self-belief.

As the Joeys and Cubs look forward to their next adventure, the memories of this thrilling rock-climbing night will undoubtedly serve as a reminder of what they can achieve with courage and support. The Montrose Scout Group continues to soar to new heights, both in their activities and as a thriving community of young adventurers.

Montrose Scout Group is currently recruiting for new members in Term 3 – if you’re interested in joining the adventure, Group Leader Tim Whitehead, can be contacted by email at