Yering was the location of Yarra Ranges Council’s first cultural burn on shire managed land last month.
The burn took place at Spadonis Reserve, located on Victoria Road, an area prone to flooding and the home of the Yering Billabongs Project.
The cultural burn was led by the council’s firestick officer, Darren Wandin, and supported by the council’s bushlands team.
The area selected for the burn, currently dominated by weedy grasses, has seen an increase in growth of native trees and grasses thanks to the increased rainfall from the past two years.
“The objective of the burn was to reduce the weeds and stimulate further growth of the native species,” Yarra Ranges mayor Sophie Todorov said.
“We had some amazing feedback from those who attended saying how calm and seamless the experience was.
“There was also a highlight moment where cool burning was applied to a Lomandra and a frog was discovered sitting inside the base, unharmed and not particularly bothered by the experience!”
For more information on the Yering Billabongs Project, visit yarraranges.vic.gov.au/Environment/Sustainable-communities/Healthy-Waterways/Yering-Billabongs-Project.