By Mikayla van Loon
A proposed planning scheme amendment for Lilydale will aim to adjust zoning, overlays and design controls in preparation for future development of the township.
Yarra Ranges councillors moved a motion at the Tuesday 13 August meeting to seek authorisation from the planning minister to amend the planning scheme as a result of the Lilydale structure plan and conduct a community consultation period.
The application of an Activity Centre Zone, to replace the current commercial zoning for much of the Main Street vicinity, allows that area to be “tailored to the specific recommendations and precincts of an approved structure plan”.
This includes design controls like building heights, overshadowing, landscaping and parking.
The Lilydale structure plan was endorsed by Yarra Ranges Council, after a community consultation period, in August 2022.
Changing some of the current areas zoned as Residential Growth to General Residential applies better neighbourhood character assurances, particularly for the historical parts of Lilydale, while still responding to the State Government’s housing targets.
With a change in zoning comes the potential for some previously commercial zoned land to be used for residential purposes under the Activity Centre Zone, meaning the council has had to ask for an Environmental Audit Overlay to apply.
“[This] will address potential land contamination from previous commercial and industrial uses, to ensure the land is suitable for future and more sensitive land use and development,” the council’s report read.
Moving the motion to seek approval of this amendment, councillor Tim Heenan said for him it covered all the important elements of the Lilydale township but especially the historic parts.
“The ability to preserve sidelines and view lines and understanding that, yes, in the future, we will have a situation as per [what] the structure plan talks about in relation to two, three, four, five, and six storeys,” he said.
“There are many different aspects in this document that look at the historical and wanting to obviously protect those areas of, for example, Castella Street and Anderson Street and surrounding areas where we still have historic properties there. I think it does that.”
Balancing the need to accommodate the State Government’s housing target for the Yarra Ranges of 28,000 by 2051 without compromising what makes Lilydale the town it is, Cr Heenan said he believed it had been achieved in this amendment proposal.
“When we look at the actual housing stock that we have and the opportunities for the future, and keeping in mind this document had to incorporate some of the very late information that’s come from the State Government in the last two months, and what we need to do as a local government to incorporate housing stock for the future, I think staff have done a fabulous job in understanding the needs,” he said.
“We need to adequately prepare for the arrival of higher density residential land use and development in central Lilydale by implementing a new planning framework, which is what this will do, and clearly communicate to the development industry and other stakeholders our vision and framework for the activity centre.”
Mayor Sophie Todorov seconded the motion and said not only does amendment help set clear goals for Lilydale but for the broader Yarra Ranges landscape.
“The benefits for having this reviewed as part of the structure plan and seeking that amendment of C218, I think, is to ensure the growth of Yarra Ranges does sit within the Chirnside and Lilydale wards as major activity centres, and we’re going to be avoiding that urban sprawl growth into our much loved green spaces and Green Wedge zones,” she said.
“So to concentrate the development there…ideally close to transport corridors, commercial and industrial areas, and the best use of amenities, transport and services which we offer.”
The amendment has also been cited as an important step to inform the “strategic storm water management plan and address those infrastructure issues”.
Cr Todorov said the planning scheme amendment was the next stage in achieving the desired outcomes for Lilydale.
The planning minister’s authorisation may take some months, therefore, Cr Todorov encouraged residents to sign up to shaping.yarraranges.vic.gov.au to keep track of other engagements they can take part in.
The motion was passed unanimously.