By Dongyun Kwon
Yarra Ranges Council (YRC) endorsed providing more than $226,000 in funding to sporting and recreation groups as part of its annual Capital Development Grants.
12 projects were recommended to be funded through this round of the grant program.
Ryrie Ward councillor Fiona McAllister said YRC had a number of worthy projects applied for grants by a diverse range of community sporting groups.
“This, like all our other grant processes, provides an opportunity for us to work with groups doing the things that matter to them most, whether it is to fix up community halls and facilities or support with work on the ground. It does make a big difference,” she said.
“In all of these, we know that the clubs themselves are contributing substantially.
“I’m pleased to see what’s been recommended in terms of supporting a range of clubs.”
Walling Ward councillor Len Cox agreed with Cr McAllister and said the Capital Development Grants program is extremely helpful to a number of community groups.
“Although the grants seem big, they cover mostly half or less than half of the total need, and the various clubs obviously are working to find the rest of the money to make up for that,” he said.
“These grants are wonderful for the community and for the groups that really work hard for sporting or some other activity, so I certainly support this motion.”
The following clubs will be the recipients of the grants:
$30,000 to the Monbulk Recreation Reserve Development Group for behind goal netting
$30,000 to the Lilydale BMX Club for its safety upgrades project
$30,000 to the Scout Association of Australia, Victorian Branch – Montrose Scout Group for enhancing the safety, accessibility and sustainability of the Montrose Scout Hall
$30,000 to the Eastern Ranges Football Club for behind goals netting
$27,243 to the Melbourne Gun Club for flood mitigation works
$25,000 to the Yarra Ranges Athletics for Morrison Reserve change rooms and gym redevelopment for female athletes
$15,000 to the Hoddles Creek Cricket Club for storage and change rooms facility upgrade
$10,975 to the Montrose Football Club for Elizabeth Bridge scoreboard
$10,164 to the Yarra Glen Cricket Club for pitch repairs for its main oval and pitch upgrade for its second oval
$8085 to the Wandin Football Netball Club for scoreboard project
$5500 to the Seville Pony Club for resurfacing of the arena
$4524 to the Steels Creek Tennis and Social Club for Steels Creek Tennis Club outdoor area renovation
Yarra Ranges mayor Sophie Todorov congratulated the clubs and groups for their successful grant applications.
“We know that sporting groups care deeply about the spaces they use – these are homes away from home for so many,” she said.
“Capital Development Grants give clubs a leg-up to make improvements – whether it’s netting behind goalposts, upgrades to change rooms, getting a new scoreboard, improving safety or just renovating.
“I’m so pleased that we were able to fund all of the eligible projects submitted to us this year; I’m glad we can support our clubs here at Council and I look forward to seeing these projects become reality.”
Wesburn Junior Football Club applied for grants for the installation of around ground fencing requesting $38,489, however, it was not supported by the assessment panel due to not meeting the application criteria and funding ratios as per the program guidelines and the risk of delivery of the project.